I really struggled finding a title sequence within my genre as most of the sports opening sequences consist of a starting prologue or a scene from the movie which the movie is about. The sequence i will be analysing is a good example of a opening as it explains to the audience clearly what will happen and sets the plot for the movie.
Goal 2 Title sequence

The sequence starts in a football match between two great rivals, Barcelona and Real Madrid. As its a franchise the audience already knows the main character and therefore could understand that Santiago (the protagonist) will also be playing at the Bernabeu. We start of with an aerial camera which shows the crowd while showing the production company "MilkShake Productions". The aerial camera shot shows the audience the crowd which tracks down to the pitch and shows us real life footage from the game. We are not introduced to any of the characters in the film in the beginning but you can see some within the game. The audience would be expecting to see Santiago but we don't see him at all through the whole sequence, this may be because it is a franchise. The first character we do get introduced to is Gavin Harris who is mentioned by the commentator of the football game. The footage and commentator sets a good plot by showing that Real Madrid is in need of a Santiago. The background music is also non diegetic as well as being contrapuntal to the clip.
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